Tips to Winterize your Garage and save money

Tips to Winterize Your Garage

Imagine how chilly your kitchen would get if you left your refrigerator open 24-7. And not to mention how expensive your heating bill would be to keep the fridge running cold and the heat running hot. It would be a virtual tug-o-war, and torture on your electric bill. Well, this is what happens all winter long if your garage is not weather-proofed. It is like backing your entire house up to a deep freeze. But, when you winterize your garage you will notice a significant difference in your energy costs. Also, it helps keep any contents in your garage safe from the elements. Plus, climate control prevents pipes from freezing. Furthermore, when your garage is climate controlled, it could even serve another purpose, like a workshop. In as little as a weekend your garage could become an asset rather than a liability.

Check All Weather-Stripping 

How could something that seems so insignificant be so valuable? Weatherstripping is your not only your cheapest defense it is one of the best places to start. Check at the bottom of all doors and windows in your garage. If there is a rubber strip at the bottom, inspect it for effectiveness. Place your hand in front of it. Feel cold or air blowing in? Chances are the weather-stripping should b replaced. Additionally, if you discover there is no weather stripping, add it ASAP. This ensures a good seal around the garage door, entry doors, and windows, all prime heat-siphoning culprits.

Install Insulation

It is super important that you choose the proper thickness for your walls. Read the manufacturer’s directions and installation guide very carefully. Once you decide the best insulation, make sure you install it correctly. Common mistakes include cutting the pieces too long or short or not securing it snugly. Never downplay the importance of proper installation merely because it is in the garage. When done correctly, this step makes a significant difference.

Upgrade Your Garage Door

Whether you purchase a new door or make improvements to an existing one, consider that your garage door is the largest opening in your garage. Therefore, you must pay particular attention to it. If you have not already done so, contact a professional for an insulation kit. While he is there, he can also provide a free inspection and address any other potential cold-weather issues.

Install a Climate Control Unit 

If you are thinking of installing a heating unit in your garage, consider shopping for one that also has a cooling component. That way, your garage can be climate controlled all year long. Also, when installing it in the wall, you must also ensure a proper seal around the unit.

We Can Help 

When it comes to winterizing your garage, every little bit helps. Not sure where to begin or don’t have the time to address it yourself? Contact Door Tech to assist. In an afternoon our technician can help winterize your garage. Trust us; it is worth the investment! Schedule your appointment today.