You’ll need to consider the finish, color, material, insulation, windows, and hardware when purchasing a garage door replacement. You’ll likely recognize these six styles: sectional, roll-up, tilt-up, tilt-up retractable, slide, and carriage doors. For more information about garage door type options, call Door Tech for a personal consultation. Door Tech can help you decide on the best choice for your home.
The Sectional Garage Door Type
The sectional garage door is the most popular in the United States. People typically operate the opening and closing with a remote. Did you forget to close your garage? Smartphone technology can accomplish this for you after you’ve left the house. The door has panels on a track that roll up and down on wheels in a channel. When up, it sits flush with the ceiling. The heavy-duty springs maintain their smooth operation. Manufacturers typically make the panels out of steel connected with hinges. Optional insulation keeps the garage cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. You can customize your garage door with color and unique hardware.
Garage Roll-Up Door
Roll-up or coiling garage doors are often used on commercial projects and are more utilitarian. The two to three-inch metal slats roll around a drum when raised. They are a good choice when aesthetics aren’t an issue and you need heavy-duty and low maintenance.
Tilt-Up, Or Canopy Doors
Tilt-up or canopy garage doors are one solid unit. When you open a canopy door, it will sit parallel to the ceiling. They don’t sit flush with the building when open. It operates on a hinge mechanism that pivots when opening and closing the door.
Tilt-Up Retractable
The tilt-up retractable door is similar to the canopy style. They are a single piece and lift and sit parallel to the garage ceiling. However, their independent suspension allows the door to remain flush with the building’s exterior.
The Slide
The slide is a door that slides to the side. The few panels bend and slide sideways parallel to one of the walls. Garage door manufacturers developed this garage door type for garages with little to no headroom. They have no balancing springs, and the motor doesn’t take up ceiling space. The tracks can withstand slight variations in a slope too.
Carriage Doors For Your Garage
Carriage doors are an excellent way to upgrade your home’s curb appeal. The doors swing open utilizing hinges on both sides. Barn door styles come in many different types of wood and other materials. They were initially from genuine carriage houses and are reminiscent of simpler times and elegance.
Your choice of a replacement garage door is worthy of serious consideration. The garage door type you choose reflects your personality and affects the resale value of your house. You should consider color, style, material, and other options. Unlimited choices can be overwhelming. Call Door Tech today. You can rest easy while dealing with a licensed professional garage door company that has your best interest at heart.